We're sorry to hear that Tandem Pro didn't meet your expectations. Here's how you can request a refund, depending on your device:
For iOS Members:
- Review or Cancel Subscription:
- Go to Settings on your iOS device.
- Navigate to iTunes & App Store.
- Tap on your Apple ID and then Subscriptions.
- Select Tandem to manage your subscription.
- Request a Refund:
- All payments and refund requests are processed by Apple.
- Please request your refund through iTunes. You can find the link in your Tandem subscription purchase confirmation email or visit Apple Support.
For Android Members:
- Within 48 Hours of Purchase:
- If you've purchased your subscription from the Google Play store and it's been less than 48 hours, you can directly request a refund from Google Play.
- After 48 Hours:
- You are eligible for a refund within 14 days of a 1-month subscription or within 30 days of a 3-month or 12-month subscription.
- Please forward your Google Play receipt and your email address to us via our contact form for processing your refund.
We're here to help: Your satisfaction is important to us. If there's anything we can do to improve your Tandem experience, please let us know. We appreciate your feedback and are continuously working to improve our services.